Rules of Sports Centre at West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (ZUT)

I.             General information

1.    Students participate in classes according to a timetable set out by Sports Centre (SWFiS).

2.    Students are required to wear sports clothing and shoes adequate for the flooring and they should behave appropriately.

3.    PE classes have the following forms:

-          curriculum-based classes held on the premises of Sports Centre (SWFiS)

-          curriculum-based classes conducted online on MS Teams (only during SARS-CoV-s) pandemic)

-          theoretical classes for students with doctor’s certificates

-          trainings in sports sections of Academic Sports Association (KU AZS)

-          motor rehabilitation and correction classes

-          elective curriculum-based classes

-          classes conducted in the ZUT Academic Horse Riding Centre  

4.    Classes are mandatory and are finished with a credit at the end of each semester.

5.    Separate curriculum-based theoretical classes are organised for students with long-term medical certificates.

6.    Medical contraindications to active participation in PE classes, owing to health condition are confirmed by specialist doctors.

·         a student shall submit a medical certificate to the Sports Centre within four weeks following the beginning of each term

·         should a long-term medical certificate be obtained during a term, a student shall submit it to the Sports Centre within 14 days following its receipt

·         all medical certificates above 30 days are a basis for referring a students to the “medical certificate” group

·         medical certificates and other documents submitted after the time limit shall not be taken into consideration.

7.    Students can be exempt from participation in PE mandatory classes if:

·         they do sport professionally in olympic disciplines – national team members, players in national leagues (Premier League, first and second leagues, master class in competitive ball room dance).

Students who want to be exempted shall submit an application to the Sports Centre, and a confirmation from their club or from the regional office of relevant sports authorities within four weeks from the beginning of each term.

·         they are members of Sports Centre sports sections (except for chess and bridge).

8.    Students are obliged to comply with the regulations of sports facilities where the classes take place as well as respect the sports equipment.

II. Semester completion.

1.    Course completion assessment is held every term on predefined days.

2.    A student can successfully complete a semester if they participated in 100% classes and passed relevant tests.

3.    A student who missed a class should either submit a medical certificate or do an extra class to compensate for the missed one

·         extra classes may be taken once daily except for the day when a student has the curriculum-based classes,

·         each week a student may participate in three classes, i.e. the obligatory one and two extra classes,

·         extra classes to compensate for the missed ones may be taken after previous agreement with the teacher responsible for the classes,

·         missed classes shall be compensated only in the form of curriculum-based classes held in the facilities of ZUT Sports Centre

4.    If a student’s absences exceed 20% of the number of mandatory course hours (3 classes), it may result in a student failing the course.

5.    Participation in sports competitions hosted by Sports Centre or Academic Sports Association is treated as participation in mandatory classes.

6.    Courses are credited by group teachers based on the achieved learning outcomes.

7.    Students who do sport professionally (I, point 6) are credited by group teachers

8.    A credit may be obtained if:

·         a student obtained a grade or credit in a different field of study at West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (ZUT)

·         a student obtained a grade or credit at another university based on the agreement of the Sports Centre Head

III. Final provisions

1.      Sports Centre cannot be responsible for students’ valuables.

2.      Head of Sports Centre will decide in matters regarding classes not provided for in these regulations.

3.      Head of Sports Centre is the final instance in all matters not provided for in these regulations.